Sterilize & Rise Summit 2024

Legal Consent


The company ASP SINGAPURA PTE LTD with its registered office at Level 29, Samsung Hub, 3 Church Street, Singapore 049483 (“ASP” or “Data Controller”) hereby provides you the following information on the processing and usage of personal data provided by you and / or collected by ASP or otherwise acquired through your interviews, video testimonials, any other visual format or digital means that may be chosen.

Data Controller intends to process and use your personal data to:

[✔] (1) contact you by email and/or SMS and/or any other format to collect feedbacks or conduct customer satisfactory surveys for ASP products and/or services. ASP will process and use your personal data for such feedback collection and customer satisfactory surveys and for ASP internal market analysis for a duration of 3 years, after which they will be destroyed.

[✔] (2) contact you by email and/or SMS with details of other products and services that we think may interest you. ASP will process and use your personal data for such product and service promotion purposes and for ASP internal market analysis for a duration of 3 years, after which they will be destroyed.

[✔] (3) contact you by email and/or SMS and/or any other format to send you invitations for webinars, conferences and events of any kind organized by ASP or by third parties authorized by ASP (“Events”). ASP will process and use your personal data for such Events invitation purposes for a duration of 3 years, after which they will be destroyed.

[✔] (4) interview you, and, if needed, take photos of you, and/or record a video interview of you on the premises of ASP's Sterilize & Rise Summit 2024. The interview and photos, after any necessary editing, shall be reproduced by ASP without compensation to you (also if in a summary form and / or subtitled in a foreign language) during presentations at future conferences and events of any kind organized by ASP or by third parties authorized by ASP for a duration of 10 years, after which they will be destroyed.  The interview and photos will also be included in printed or digital material (e.g., brochures, folders, CDs, videos, etc.) that Data Controller shall distribute to the media (printed newspapers, internet, television, etc.) aimed to publication.

Your personal data that the Data Controller shall process for the above specific purposes are the following

  1. a) full name, title, mobile number, professional assignment, professional address (kind of personal data: COMMON).
  2. b) image, voice (kind of personal data: COMMON).

In the scenario that ASP need to process the name of the enterprise/institution/hospital you work at, ASP confirms that ASP will work with you to obtain the consent of the enterprise/institution/hospital you work at.  

For these purposes, Data Controller shall process your above specified personal data lawfully, fairly and in compliance with applicable Data Protection/Data Privacy regulations.  The processing operations shall be conducted also by computerized automatic means.

Data Controller hereby informs you that the processing and usage of your personal data for the above purposes is free of charge and at your discretion. Should you refuse to give Data Controller your consent to processing and usage, none of the actions and/or activities listed to realize the above purposes could take place.

Please note that:

For above purposes (1) and (2), ASP will process and use your personal data for such feedback collections, customer satisfactory surveys, products and/or services promotions and ASP internal market analysis and make them accessible to ASP employees who support the organization and implementation of such activities.

For above purpose (3), ASP will process and use your personal data for such Events and make them accessible to ASP employees who support the Events organization and any post-event follow-up, including surveys to collect feedback for the event, future invitation to Events.

For above purpose (4), once the interview and/or photos has been published, your personal data that have been processed could be made accessible to people who attend the events in which your interview will be reproduced, and the authorized public of readers and/or audience of the media to which the interview will be transferred for publication.  

Those ASP employees and people who have access to your personal data as stated above may be located outside Asia Pacific (excluding China and Japan), including without limitation, in the United States of America. The data in question should in any case not permit any form of nominative identification and ASP will ensure to the best of its ability that an equivalent level of data protection is maintained as the one within Asia Pacific (excluding China and Japan).  ASP will take the appropriate administrative technical and physical measures to protect such data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction such as by limiting access to your personal data to people strictly involve in the respective project.

By signing this consent form, you acknowledge being aware of your rights under the applicable data protection related regulations to have access to, to receive a copy, to correct and to oppose to (for legitimate purposes) the processing of any of the personal data, including the right to request deletion or restriction of access of these data that you have communicated to ASP and that will be subjected to computerized data processing.  All data and information relating to you will be analyzed by ASP or its affiliates and should remain strictly confidential.  

To transfer personal data to the jurisdiction other than Asia Pacific (excluding China and Japan), including without limitation, the United States, ASP has taken steps to ensure that such personal data is transferred and processed securely, in accordance with any requirements under applicable data protection regulations.

By signing this consent form, you acknowledge being aware of your right to have access to and to correct any of the personal data, including to delete some of these data that you have communicated to ASP and that will be subjected to computerized data processing.  All data and information relating to you will be analyzed by ASP or its representatives and should remain strictly confidential.  

You may at any time exercise the rights granted to you as detailed above.  To exercise these rights, you can contact Data Controller, at its registered office.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority of your country where you believe that your rights have been violated.

It is hereby specified that your personal data relating to place and date of birth, to be filled in form below, shall be processed by Data Controller for identification purposes only.  No disclosure to any third parties of these data will be allowed.

Please note that exercise of these rights can only remedy future usage and processing of your personal data and cannot undo past use/publication/processing.